Why Compassion Matters to Us

It isn’t until you walk through the doors of the Food Bank that you realize first how diverse the clients are, then how truly fortunate you may be, to not need assistance.

“There but for the grace of God go I,” is something that is never too far from our minds.

Point of fact, some of our staff and volunteers have indeed been on the other side of that distribution window.

Compassion is a guidepost for us every day. There are times when it can certainly be a challenge, when someone is being belligerent or argumentative or downright abusive.

In the case of the latter, they are asked to leave or call back when they get their emotions in check. With the former, we check ourselves and remember, everyone needs a little help from time to time.

Compassion means “to suffer together.” We feel this when people walk through the door or call our hamper line. We suffer a little bit along with them. Then, we do our very best to give something extra that makes them feel a little better: We give them a bit of love.

When we speak to people in need, our tone of voice is compassionate and respectful. We supply as much information as possible to help them feel prepared with everything they need to access our services.

In doing so, we create relationships that are mutually beneficial; our clients feel a sense of relief and calm, and we can close the door at the end of the day knowing we made a difference for them.

Greater Good Magazine says:

While empathy refers more generally to our ability to take the perspective of and feel the emotions of another person, compassion is when those feelings and thoughts include the desire to help.

We certainly appreciate people who act on their sense of compassion, as they are those come to volunteer with us. We also appreciate the altruistic people of our community who support us through donations. We are truly grateful for them all.

If you or someone you know requires assistance to relieve food insecurity, know that the Red Deer Food Bank is a place to find the compassion that helps ease the burden of stress that comes with that.

We are here for you.


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