INtake Office

Our knowledgeable staff can connect you with the many support programs available in our community.

Whether someone needs a food hamper, or access to support programs and services to ease their struggle, the staff and volunteers at our Intake Office can point you in the right direction. We are also connected to other agencies and services in the community that may be of assistance to anyone who comes in with questions; our team can direct them to the right resources to meet their needs.


Support Programs

Emergency Food Assistance

Applicants for emergency food assistance can bring their photo identification, proof of income, and proof of address (along with identification for everyone in the household) to our intake office where one of our volunteers will help you complete your application process. Once approved, applicants can go directly to the Hamper Distribution & Community Pantry to pick up their hamper.

  • How do I apply for a hamper?

    Come to Bay #12, 7429 - 49 Avenue between 9 am & 11:45 am or 1 pm & 3:45 pm Monday to Friday. We are closed on Statutory holidays. We do not take appointments over the phone, the service is walk-in only, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    What do I need to bring when applying for a hamper?

    The following documentation is required when you come to apply for an emergency food hamper:

    • Government issued photo identification (driver’s license, passport, etc.)

    • Photo identification for any and all adults in the household (over 18 years of age)

    • Identification for any and all children in the household (i.e., Alberta Health Care card)

    • Proof of address (lease or rental agreement)

    • Proof of income for the household (bank statement - phone app is adequate)

    Please bring extra shopping bags for your hamper items. Be sure to mention any food allergies or sensitivities when requesting your hamper.

    Why do you ask for banking information? Isn’t that a violation of my privacy?

    We ask for banking information as a proof of income for all adults in the household, in order to ensure that we are helping the people in greatest need. We only look at the household income to establish that baseline criteria, and we do not keep any reference or information on file.

    What if I exceed the threshold of household income for a hamper?

    We understand that life can throw us curveballs. Employment gaps like leaving or starting a new job and not having the reserves to get through to the next cheque. Unexpected or unusually high expenses. Accidents and medical situations. It all happens to all of us. If you are in need because of circumstances beyond your control, we will help you to the best of our ability.

    Can you deliver my hamper?

    We do not have the capacity at this time to make deliveries of food hampers.

    How do I know when I can next apply for a hamper?

    When your intake session is complete, you will receive a small card with the date of your next hamper application should you need it. Please keep this card in a place where you can refer to it. This information is not available over the phone.

Benefits Wayfinder

Anyone who may be needing assistance with finding government benefits to alleviate their financial stresses can learn about Benefits Wayfinder, and a volunteer or staff member can aid in their application.

  • The Benefits Wayfinder is an online tool that finds and tracks benefits you could get. It’s designed to work for you, on your timeline, empowering you to find solutions. You are able to customize the benefits for which you are eligible based on your situation. If you need additional support over what you are receiving now, it’s to your advantage to consider Benefits Wayfinder.

    You can complete the Benefits Wayfinder application on your own at, or review the process with us in the office to do it on your own. We provide this assistance for those who may have limitations in internet access, reading comprehension, or language barriers.

    To access Benefits Wayfinder please come into the office at Bay #12, and someone will be available to assist you. Please be patient and plan for some wait time; our volunteers and staff may be working in other areas of our warehouses and will need a few moments to come assist you.

Canadian Volunteer Income Tax Program

In order to apply for benefits, income tax filings must be brought up to date. As people in lower income brackets may be challenged to pay for income tax filing assistance, the Canadian Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) is conveniently located in our Intake Office.

  • What is this income tax program?

    Through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP), community organizations host free tax clinics where volunteers complete tax returns for people with a modest income and a simple tax situation.

    Who is eligible for this tax program?

    In order to be eligible for the CVITP, individuals must have a modest income* and a simple tax situation.

    This may include:

    • adults 65 years and older
    • housing-insecure individuals
    • Indigenous Peoples
    • modest-income individuals
    • newcomers
    • persons with disabilities
    • students and youth

    *A modest income is defined as an individual who earns $35,000 or less per year, with larger families having a higher threshold. A table outlining the suggested income levels can be found here.

    What is meant by a “simple” tax situation?

    In general, a tax situation is simple if an individual has no income or if their income comes from these sources:

    • employment
    • pension
    • benefits, such as the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, disability insurance, employment insurance, and social assistance
    • Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)
    • scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, or grants
    • interest (under $1,000)

    If you are self-employed or have a business, have experienced a bankruptcy in the past year, or have an interest income over $1000, it is advised you visit a tax accountant and not utilize this program.

    Do I need to make an appointment with the Tax Volunteer?

    No. We offer a walk-in service, and clients are served on a first-come, first-served basis.

    What do I need to bring with me?

    You will need to bring all documentation pertaining to completing income taxes, primarily a T4 or T4E (statement of employment insurance or other benefits). If there is any documentation regarding income from the previous calendar year, please bring that as well. (Better to bring documents and not need them than need them and not have them.)

    To access the Volunteer Income Tax Program please come into the office at Bay #12, and someone will be available to assist you. Please be patient and plan for some wait time; our volunteers and staff may be working in other areas of our warehouses and will need a few moments to come assist you.

Other Agencies

Central Alberta Poverty Reduction Alliance (CAPRA) provides Financial Literacy programs. Keep an eye out for future information sessions in our space.

Employment Placement & Support Services (EPSS) provides employment programs and training opportunities.

We look forward to hosting sessions with these and other agencies in the coming months.

Any agency in Red Deer or the surrounding area is welcome to rent a cubicle office space in order to provide a work station and meeting space for personnel with clients. For information on these arrangements, please contact


How to find us

If you have any questions, please stop in!

Our Intake Office is located at Bay #12, 7429 - 49 Avenue. (You will see a sign on the sidewalk in front of the door to enter.)

We do not accept phone call appointments; this is a first-come, first-served system.

Intake Office Hours:
Monday to Friday, 9 am - 11:45 am and 1 pm - 3:45 pm. There are no appointments required; applicants for all programs are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.

Other programs:
For all other programs offered at the Intake Office, please watch our
Events page, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for updates. Be sure to like and follow us and turn on notifications if you wish to be alerted to new programs coming up.