We prepare hampers — boxes of food — tailor-made for households that are facing food insecurity.
Our emergency food hamper program is at the heart of what we do every day. We pre-pack these boxes to provide enough staples for approximately five to seven days, and then depending on donations we supplement this with available dairy products like cheese and yogurt, eggs, produce and meat.
With the stress of not having enough to eat removed from a household, other factors to sustain the home can be managed. For people who are challenged to meet their financial obligations every month, saving on a week’s worth of food can go a long way to easing the strain.
We provide food hampers for those who have found themselves in strained circumstances where buying food has become a challenge.
If you’re a new Canadian who has yet to find employment, a low-income family or senior, if you’re living on government assistance or are just someone in need of food assistance, we are here to help.
In the first six months of 2024, we distributed an average of 1,064 emergency food hampers per month. We have a limit of one hamper order every 4 weeks per household.
Clients will need to be prepared with pertinent information such as names and number of people in the household, household income, etc. The need for a hamper is determined on a case-by-case basis.
See the “How to Apply” section below for more information on how to receive your food hamper.
Each hamper is a prepacked box meant to feed 1 to 2 people for about 5 days. The larger the household, the more boxes given out (to a max of 3 boxes per household).
The hampers include:
Canned meat
Canned tomato products
Canned fruit
Canned vegetables
Canned beans
Canned soup
Canned “heat & eat” meals
Peanut butter
Mac & cheese product
Dry cereal
Dry soup
Beyond these pre-packaged hampers, dairy products, margarine, meat, and produce are given out based on availability. Anyone can access the Pantry for supplemental items, which includes bread, cake mixes, salad dressings, meal kits, snacks and more as the product is available.
If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, please be sure to mention this when completing intake for your hamper.
As an extra addition, when noted that there are school-aged children receiving assistance, we will add a ‘school snack pack’ to put in their lunches for an extra treat.
Canned products have a very long shelf life, are easy to transport and store, and provide equivalent nutritional value as fresh foods. It’s a secure way to get fruits and vegetables throughout our long winter months and can be easily incorporated into a variety of dishes.
For anyone who needs food assistance, we are here to help.
We no longer complete intake over the phone and now operate on a walk-in basis only.
Please have all your required documents with you, or you will be asked to get them.
HAMPER Intake Hours
Walk-Ins only!
Monday - Friday
8:45 am - 11:45am & 12:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Closed all Weekends & Statutory Holidays
Gather all necessary documents:
Photo ID for all adults in the household - (ID Card, Driver’s License, Passport, Status Card, etc.)
ID for all children in the household - (Alberta Health Cards, Birth Certificates, Passports, etc.)
Proof of Residency - (Lease Agreement or Rent Receipt) *We now require a Lease Agreement or Receipt, no other proof of address will be accepted
Proof of Income for all adults in the household - (30-Day Bank Statement, AiSH Statement, Income Support Statement, Banking App, etc.)
When you arrive, you must have all documents with you (or on your phone). If you do not have them, you will be asked to get them and come back.
Please bring bags to pack your items. We will not provide you with bags when you arrive.
Complete the intake process in Bay 12. An intake worker will input you into the system to grab a hamper.
Be Patient; you may have to sit until one of our workers is free.
After your intake is approved, you can walk to Bay 9 (where you grabbed food last time).
Show your Photo ID at the window, and you will receive your hamper.
STEP 4 (optional)
If you qualify and have completed the intake process, you can sit with one of our Benefits Wayfinder staff.
Benefits Wayfinder is a website that asks a few questions and then comes up with a list of government benefits you may be eligible for.
Our staff will walk you through the program and print off the benefits that you are eligible for.
If you require further assistance, you can book a time for one of our staff to walk you through a few applications and provide additional support.
You are welcome to complete the Benefits questionnaire independently, but if you need help, please visit us at Bay 12, and we will do our best to assist you!