RCMP warn public about scam solicitations from Food Bank

Red Deer Food Bank hit hard by misrepresentation.

NOVEMBER 17, 2023 (Red Deer, Alberta): The Red Deer RCMP are advising the public to be aware of telephone solicitations asking people to donate to the Red Deer Food Bank.

“The Red Deer Food Bank has and never will use telephone solicitation to request money from the public,” said Mitch Thomson, Executive Director of the Food Bank.

The scam was brought to the attention of the Food Bank this past week when the family member of a donor called to inquire about the telephone solicitation.

 “Upon further discussions with this person, we discovered that the phone number used was based out of Maryland, USA. We then notified the RCMP and they had already launched an investigation into the matter,” added Thomson.

There is a concern at the Food Bank that people who want to support them may have already given their financial information to a fraudulent group and encourages anyone who may have done so to speak with their banking institution.

“This will also have a negative impact on our efforts to fundraise, as people who believed they’d already given to the Food Bank have had those funds stolen, and cannot donate again,” continued Thomson. “We’re hoping that we can continue to ask for our community to come forward and donate as they are able, particularly so after this sad situation.”

The most secure ways to donate to the Red Deer Food Bank is to visit their office in-person, or online through their secure provider at www.reddeerfoodbank.com/fund-raising

For more information about the Red Deer Food Bank or to donate over the phone, please call 403-342-5355.


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